Composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:

Sr. No. Name of the Director Category DIN
a) Mr. Purab Gujar Non-Executive Non-Independent Director- Chairman of Board 01186763
b) Mr. Pranav Deshpande Executive Director 06467549
c) Mrs. Vibha Surana Non-Executive Non-Indepndent Director 08017202
d) Mr. Sanket Deshpande Non-Executive Independent Director 03383916
e) Mr. Rahul Kothari Non-Executive Independent Director 09824127

Composition of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Sr. No. Name of the member Category Designation
a) Mr. Sanket Deshpande Non-Executive Independent Director Chairperson
b) Mrs. Vibha Surana Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Member
d) Mr. Rahul Kothari Non-Executive Independent Director Member






Composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is as follows:

Sr. No. Name of the member Category Designation
1) Mr. Rahul Kothari Non-Executive Independent Director Chairperson
3) Mr. Sanket Deshpande Non-Executive Independent Director Member
4) Mr. Purab Gujar Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Member









Composition of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee is as follows:

Sr. No. Name of the member Category Designation
1) Mr. Rahul Kothari Non-Executive Independent Director Chairperson
4) Mr. Pranav Deshpande Executive Director Member
5) Mr. Sanket Deshpande Non-Executive Independent Director Member